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Meet Lisa

 I have lived in Hillsborough County for the last 47 years; my husband Don and I currently reside in Valrico.  I graduated from Chamberlain High School in Tampa and then received my B.A. degree in Mass Communications from the University of South Florida in Tampa.  

I worked for 32 years at the US Postal Service.  While employed there, I was also a Union officer with the American Postal Workers Union- the Head Chairperson of the local Board of Trustees.  I've always been a strong Union advocate; always fighting to protect workers' rights and to prevent exploitation by management.  

Working a government job with its many benefits, such as great pay, health benefits, and a pension (something rarely seen these days), afforded me the opportunity to retire at a young age.  Even after retiring from the USPS, I remain active in the Union.  Luckily, our Local has a retiree chapter, and I am actively involved with them.  I am, again, an officer- appointed by the Chapter President to be the Organizing Director of the American Postal Workers' Retiree Chapter in Tampa.  I am in charge of signing up new members, assisting members with health plan questions as well as aiding/directing those who need community services to the proper agency.

Another way I feel I'm doing my civic duty is to sign up to be a pollworker each election cycle.  It's a great way to engage with voters and help to ensure that polling locations remain fully staffed to expediently process voters throughout the voting process.

Why did I decide to run for office?  Because I'm tired of seeing our elected public officials in Tallahassee waste valuable time and our hard-earned tax dollars by not addressing the dire issues that affect Floridians, instead waging culture wars and creating non-existent issues to make it seem like they're doing something.  Our current governor is more obsessed with fighting Mickey Mouse than he is solving more pressing issues like resolving the current property tax and homeowners' insurance crises. 

As a representative, I will fight for the everyday citizen.  The upper class and the 1% are doing just fine; they don't need our help.  The lower and middle classes are the ones who are struggling.  Some of the issues at the top of my agenda, and which I promise to fight for are:  women's reproductive rights and freedoms, good paying jobs and a higher minimum wage, protecting Social Security and Medicare, strengthening (not suppressing) voting rights, more affordable health care, and protecting and preserving Florida's environment and natural resources.


Paid for and Approved by Lisa Carpus, Democrat for Florida House District 68
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